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Everything about the barefoot lifestyle, Fleeters' news and behind-the-scenes updates, and expert tips from a foot health practitioner.

How the Shoe Industry is Ruining Both Your Feet and the Planet

Feet holding the planet Earth
When it comes to shoes, most of us make decisions based on style, comfort, or whatever the latest trend dictates. Traditional shoes, with their cushioned soles and arch supports, are marketed as necessary for comfort and protection. However, not only are they negatively impacting our foot health, but the shoe industry as a whole is also contributing significantly to environmental destruction. Learn more.
September 16, 2024 — David Thuillier

The Science-Backed Benefits of Wearing Barefoot Shoes

Wearing barefoot shoes brings scientifically proven benefits to your feet and body. Among which, improved foot mechanics, reduced injuries, and strengthened muscles. Read more.

September 02, 2024 — Arnaud Thuillier

All the Perks of being Wild, Free, and Barefoot this Summer

barefoot in lush green nature

Summer is the perfect time to get closer to nature, slow down, disconnect, and feel free of all constraints... Why not take advantage of this gentle way of life to try out the many benefits of the barefoot lifestyle? Read more.

August 14, 2024 — Arnaud Thuillier

Our 10 Tips for a Smooth Transition to Barefoot Shoes

Footprints on a beach at sunset


Transitioning to barefoot shoes for the first time requires a smooth and gradual adjustment for your feet and entire body. Here are our 10 practical tips to help you ensure a successful transition and fully enjoy the benefits of barefoot shoes. Learn more.

July 23, 2024 — Arnaud Thuillier